Independent of whether a client chooses to certify a data center according to any of the TIER levels or does not choose to do so, it is very important during testing to review whether the data center works as planned and whether it will be able to fulfil its functions when the data centre closets will be completely filled with client servers, identifying sufficient power supply for UPS, generators, cooling, etc. SIA Citrus Solutions performs careful testing of all data center systems – more than 3,000 tests can be performed depending on the scope and level of complexity of various data centre systems and its overall operational goals.

To certify a data center according to any of the TIER levels, we collaborate with the Uptime Institute, which currently is the most globally recognised and respected organisation providing data center certification. A TIER certificate determines security standards in the design, construction, and maintenance of data centers. It is confirmation of functional security for a world-class data center.

Client needs vary. Some data center builders are already aware at the very beginning that they want to build a data center according to one of the TIER certification levels (TIER 1, 2, 3, 4). However, there are also situations when the client does not wish to invest resources in certifying the data center, but still wants the data center to be constructed according to one of the TIER levels. We have exceptional experience in TIERcertification, however, this does not mean that we work only on the design and construction of certified data centers. We are ready to ensure construction of a data center according to requirements of TIER standards even in situations when the client does not plan to follow through with the certification process.